Machine Translation vs Professional Translation Services

Key Points:

  • Machine translation uses algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically translate text, while human-based professional translation services involve a trained professional providing the translations.
  • Machine translations are good for casual correspondences and non-urgent deliverables, but for complex texts and official documents, human translators who provide certified translations are better.
  • Elite Translations has access to the latest tools of the trade but actively remains human-centric in providing high-quality translation services.

Today’s machines are known for their ability to do most human tasks, including providing translation services. As technologies become more refined, machine-driven translation tools have proven themselves capable of supplementing human translation for cross-border communication, international business partnerships, or simple language learning.

Both methods have their strengths and limitations, and the choice between them depends on several key factors.

Let’s compare machine translation and translations done by humans, along with the strengths, limitations, and best use cases for each method.


What are Machine Translations?

The first machine-driven translators only translated words without context or emotion. Eventually, companies created AI translators, which use advanced AI to translate not just words but also the message’s context and meaning.

Companies developed these tools through an AI model, which they “train” by feeding large volumes of data. This helps the machine translator learn context, syntax, grammar, and other translation best practices. Developers rigorously test the AI capabilities of these tools so they can deliver the best outcomes possible. 

Today, we can access these “smart” AI translators through everyday devices, including our phones. Some of these translation tools include Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, Linguee, and even chatbots like ChatGPT. In just five years, the US machine translation industry has grown to over $1.1 billion.


Companies develop machine translation tools using AI algorithms. They “train” AI models by feeding them volumes of data and conducting rigorous testing so these tools can make near-human decisions.


Strengths of Machine Translation

Machine translations take efficiency, accuracy, and time-saving to the next level due to the following factors:

  • It can handle a wide variety of languages. You don’t have to vet hundreds of translators to get a translation in Spanish, French, or Haitian.
  • It can provide cost-effective and instant results, especially for less comprehensive content (e.g., social media captions, emails, forms, and web chats).
  • Translation software and apps are often simple to use. Developers take the time and effort to ensure that their translation tools are up to standard and deliver an optimal user experience (UX).

Limitations of Machine Translation

Machine translation can also have some glaring drawbacks, such as:

  • Higher risks of inaccuracy, as it lacks an understanding of context, culture, and the exact meaning of the text. At most, machines can only translate literal sentences or words without understanding the intent and purpose of the target language.
  • An AI translation tool still needs to be refined through further data collection and extensive AI training.
  • The speed of machine translation may not always be a positive factor, as a translation requires thought to prevent mistakes.
  • Embassies or overseas employment agencies require certified translations from a human translator or a translations company.
Pros and cons of machine translation.

Strengths of Human Translation

You may prefer traditional human translation over machine translation for these reasons:

  • People often find human translation more accurate and useful than machine translation because it integrates the complexities of language, such as grammar, sentence structure, and context.
  • Human translators are native speakers of the target language and are often experts in the file’s subject matter.
  • Human translators can provide a better understanding of the text and ensure that the best translation fits the context of the document.
  • Trusted human translators have the authority to provide certified translations for official purposes.

Limitations of Human Translation

On the other hand, human translation also has its limits, including the following:

  • It can be more time-consuming and costly, especially for technical or specialized documents.
  • In some cases, human translation might not be worth time and money if you just need to accomplish non-urgent tasks.
Pros and cons of human-driven professional translation services.

Conclusion: Machine translations for less urgent data, human translators for professional translation services

At its core, machine translation is suitable for unofficial purposes and can be cost-effective for small and less important content.

In contrast, human translation is recommended for official use and when context is crucial for communication and understanding. For example, when you need certified translations for your work requirements abroad.

It’s undeniable that AI is far from surpassing human skill. Still, it’s worth considering machine translations as tools that help humans become more precise and efficient in providing top-notch translation services.

Elite Translations uses next-generation tools to drive efficiency and promote a tech-first future. That said, we remain human-centric and promise that all deliverables result from comprehensively vetted human experts.

Ultimately, we believe that humans bring valuable skills to the table, generating desirable outcomes that no machine can replace.

Get a FREE quote for our translation services from us today!

